Chapter 1

About the Company

1.1 Profile of the Company

THE COMPANY`S MISSION is to effectively utilize hydro resources, to create the conditions required for the reliable performance of Russia’s Unified Energy System (UES) and to enhance the usage of renewable energy sources (RES) to benefit the Company’s shareholders and society as a whole.

The Group RusHydro3 is one of the largest Russian utility holding companies. The Company is a leader in energy production based on renewable sources and combines heat and power plants in the Far East.

The Company operates in hydropower industry since 2004.

The Group RusHydro produces 12.95 % of electricity in Russia.

1.2 Geography of activities

Operating PPs

1. Boguchanskaya HPP
2. Byreyskaya HPP
3. Cascade of Verkhnevolzhskiye HPPs
4. Cascade of Viluysky HPPs
5. Volzhskaya HPP
6. Votkinskaya HPP
7. Dagestan branch
8. Zhigulevskaya HPP
9. Zagorskaya PSHPP
10. Zeyskaya HPP
11. Kabardino-Balkarian Branch
12. Kamskaya HPP
13. Zelenchukskaya PSHPP
14. Kolymskaya HPP
15. Cascade of Kubanskiye HPPs
16. Nizhegorodskaya HPP
17. Novosibirskaya HPP
18. Saratovskaya HPP
19. Sayano-Shushensky Branch
20. Sevan-Razdan Cascade
21. HPPs of the Northern Ossetian Branch
22. Tolmachyovskiye HPPs
23. Cheboksarskaya HPP

Geo PPs

26. Verkhne-Mutnovskaya GeoPP
25. Mutnovskaya GeoPP
24. Pauzhetskaya GeoPP

HPPs under construction

27. Zaramagskye HPPs

28. Zagorskaya PSPP
29. Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP
30. Ust-Srednekanskaya HPP

Retail companies

31. Far-Eastern Energy Company
32. Krasnoyarskenergosbyt
33. Ryazan retail energy company
34. Chuvash retail energy company

Thermal PPs

35. Amurskaya CHPP
36. Anadyrskaya Gas Engine CHPP
37. Anadyrskaya CHPP
38. Artyomovskaya CHPP
39. Blagoveshenskaya CHPP
40. Vladivostok CHPP
41. Kamchatskiye CHPPs
42. Komsomolskiye CHPPs
43. Kyzym (Mobile PP)
44. Labytnangi (Mobile PP)
45. Magadanskaya CHPP
46. Mirninskaya TPP
47. Nerunginskya TPP
48. Nikolaevskaya CHPP
49. Partizanskaya TPP
50. Primorskaya TPP
51. Raychikhiskaya TPP
52. Sakhalinskaya TPP
53. Urengoy (Mobile PP)
54. Khabarovskiye CHPPs
55. Chulmanskaya CHPP

56. Egvenkinotskaya TPP
57. Yuzhno-Sakhalinskaya CHPP
58. Yakutskaya TPP
59. Arkagalinskaya TPP
60. Maya TPP
61. Chaunskaya CHPP
62. Yakutskaya TPP

Thermal PPs under construction

63. Vostochnaya TPP
64. Sovgavanskaya CHPP
65. Sakhalinskaya TPP-2
66. Yakutskaya TPP-2

Tidal PP

67. Kislogubskaya Tidal PP

Wind PPs

68. WPP in Ust-Kamchatsk
69. Nikolskoye Wind PP
70. Novikovo sett. WDS

Solar PP

71. Batagai solar PP

Research and design organizations

72. Mosoblhydroproject
73. Vedeneyev VNIIG
74. Hydroproject institute
75. Lenhydroproject

Electric grid companies

77. Far Eastern Distribution Company

1.3 Group organizational structure

(In parentheses are indicated the shares of the authorized capital in the Group’s ownership)

Executive Office:
Chairman of the Board – CEO
Members of the Management Board
and Deputy Directors General
Subdivisions of the executive apparatus


PJSC RusHydro’s branch Bureyskaya HPP
PJSC RusHydro’s branch Votkinskaya HPP
PJSC RusHydro’s branch Volzhskaya HPP
PJSC RusHydro’s branch Dagestan branch
PJSC RusHydro’s branch Zhigulevskaya HPP
PJSC RusHydro’s branch Zagorskaya PSPP
PJSC RusHydro’s branch Zeyskaya HPP
PJSC RusHydro’s branch Kabardino-Balkarian branch
PJSC RusHydro’s branch Kamskaya HPP
PJSC RusHydro’s branch Karachay-Cherkessia branch
PJSC RusHydro’s branch Cascade of Verkhnevolzhskiye HPPs
PJSC RusHydro’s branch Cascade of Kubanskiye HPP
PJSC RusHydro’s branch Nizhegorodskaya HPP
PJSC RusHydro’s branch Novosibirskaya HPP
PJSC RusHydro’s branch Saratovskaya HPP
PJSC RusHydro’s branch Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP named after P.S. Neporozhniy
PJSC RusHydro’s branch North Ossetian branch
PJSC RusHydro’s branch Cheboksarskaya HPP

PJSC RusHydro’s branch CorUnH

Subsidiary – management company

JSC MC HydroMC (100 %)
PJSC RAO Energy Systems of the East (99.98 %)
JSC ESC RusHydro (100 %)

Generation subsidiaries

JSC Geoterm (99.65 %)
JSC Verkhne-Mutnovskaya GeoPP (100 %)
JSC KamHEK (96.58 %)
CJSC MEK (90 %)
JSC Pauzhetskaya GeoPP (100 %)
JSC Blagoveschenskaya (100 %)
JSC «Far-Eastern Generation Company» (100 %)

Subsidiaries, combining generation, transmission and distribution of electricity

JSK Kolymaenergo (98.76 %)
PJSC Yakutskenergo (79.16 %)
JSC Sakhaenergo (100 %)
PJSC Kamchatskenergo (98.74 %)
JSC SENK (100 %)
PJSC Magadanenergo (49 %)
JSC Chukotenergo (100 %)
JSC Sakhalinenergo (57.81 %)
PJSC Peredvizhnaya Energetika (49 %)

Other profiled companies

JSC LCM (100 %)
JSC FEGC (100 %)
JSC Teploenergoservis (100 %)
JSC Magadanelectroset (45.91 %)
JS Rodnik Zdorovya (100 %)

Supply subsidiaries

JSC Krasnoyarskenergosbyt (65.81 %)
JSC RESK (90.52 %)
JSC Chuvashskaya Power Suooly Company (100 %)
PJSC Far-Eastern Energy Company (FEEC) (52.17 %)

Subsidiaries under construction

JSC TPP in Sovetskaya Gavan (100 %)
JSC Yakutskaya TPP-2 (100 %)
JSC Sakhalin TPP-2 (100 %)
JSC Nizhne-Bureiskaya HPP (100 %)
JSC Leningrad PSP (100 %)
JSC Zagorskaya PSP-2 (100 %)
JSC SHPP KBR (95.28 %)
LLC ayaSHPP Stavropol and KChR (100 %)
LLC Verhnebakansky SHPP (100 %)

Construction, repair and maintenance subsidiaries

JSC Hydroremont VCC (100 %)
JSC ChirkeiHPPstroy (100 %)
LLC Montazhenergo (100 %)
JSC «Ust-Srednekan HPPstroy (100 %)
JSC KhPRC (100 %)
JSC KhRAC (100 %)
JSC Neryungrienergoremont (100 %)
JSC KhETC (100 %)
JSC VOSTEC (100 %)
JSC YaERC (100 %)
JSC Energotranssnab (100 %)
JSC Magadanenergoremont (100 %)
JSC Magadanelektrosetremont (100 %)

Subsidiary companies – institutions

JSC Vedeneyev VNIIG (100 %)
JSC NIIES (100 %)
JSC Lengidroproject (100 %)
JSC Hydroproject Institute (100 %)
LLP VNIIG (100 %)

Controlled companies combining generation and construction

JSC «Zaramag HPP» (99.75 %)
JSC «Sulak Gidrokaskad» (100 %)
JSC «Ust-Srednekanskaya HPP. A. F. Dyakov» (100 %)

BEMA’s structure companies

JSC «Boguchanskaya HPP» (93.69 % «BOGES LIMITED» – joint ownership with RUSAL; 2.9 % direct ownership)
CJSC BoAP (100 % «BALP LIMITED»- joint ownership with RUSAL)
JSC Holding company Boguchanskaya HPP (100 %)
CJSC Customer of construction of Boguchanskaya HPP (49 %)
CJSC Organizer of construction of Boguchansky aluminum plant (49 %)
JSC Customer of construction of Boguchansky aluminum plant (51 %)
JSC Organizer Boguchanskaya HPP construction (51 %)
LLC JHC Boguchanskaya HPP (50 %)

Other service controlled and non-core companies

JSC RHS (100 %)
LLC RusHydro IT Service (100 %)
JSC Technopark Rumyantsevo (100 %)
LLC Energy Index – Hydro OGK (100 %)
JSC TC RusHydro (100 %)
JSC «SC SSHPP» (100 %)
JSC Hydroinvest (100 %)
JSC Malaya Dmitrovka (100 %)
JSC Engineering center of renewable energy (100 %)
JSC Nizhne-Zeyskaya HPP (100 %)
JSC Small HPPs of Altai (100 %)
RusHydro International India Private Limited (51 %)
LLC «Vostok-Finans» (100 %)
JSC Motor transport enterprise LuTEK (100 %)
JSC Avtotransportnogo (100 %)
JSC «IC «Agroenergo» (100 %)
JSC «NDEC» (100 %)
LLC «Duz» (100 %)
LLC SRERH (100 %)

Controlled by companies which do not conduct significant activities or are in the process of liquidation/preparation for liquidation

LLC EZOP (100 %)
Alstom RusHydro Holding B.V. (50 %+1 share)
LLC AlstomRusHydroEnergy (100 %)
LLC ENEKS (100 %)
JSC RHBE (50,98 %)
JSC «Far East WES» (100 %)
JSC «GVTs of Energy» (100 %)
JSC «Karachay-Cherkessia Hydrogeneration company» (100 %)
JSC «Hydroengineering Siberia» (100 %)
JSC «Yuzhno-Yakutsk GEK» (100 %)
JSC SHPP of Dagestan (100 %)
LLC «Fiagdonskaya SHPP» (100 %)
LLC «Verhne-Naryn hydroelectric power plant» (50 %)
LLC HOUSE of -21 centure (51 %)
JSC «HRS» (100 %)
JSC HC the Amur pearl (100 %)
LLC Energokomfort (100 %)
LLC «NGOS MRC» (99.98 %)
JSC «Sibenergosbyt» (100 %)

Other assets of from 1 to 50 %

JSC IENC (42.75 %)
JSC Zharki (25 %+1 share)
PJSC Inter RAO (4.91 %)
JSC Corporation of South Yakutia development (25 %+1 share)
JSC Corporation of development of Krasnoyarsk territory (25 %)
JSC Coal mine (10 %)
JSC SPUC (24.87 %)
JSC SOC ( 36.1 %)
JSC Okhinskaya TPP (2.86 %)
JSC NGES (22.35 %)
JSC «ENIN» (30.42 %)
JSC Experimental TPP (9.86 %)
LLC «VolgaHydro» (40 %)
LLC «Corporation of development of Transbaikalia» (50 %)

1.4 Achievements

International rating agency Standard&Poor’s

The credit ratings forecast for PJSC RusHydro was revised from «Stable» to «Positive». The Company’s long-term credit rating was affirmed at ‘BB’ according to the international scale, the short-term credit rating at ‘B’ and the national scale rating at ‘ruAA’.

Competition of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation «The New Idea»

A member of the RusHydro staff reserve Stanislav Filipas won the contest. His project «Application of the software and hardware complex S-2000 for the training of operational personnel» became the best innovative project in the electric power industry.

Rating «The largest companies in Russia in terms of sales of products»

The agency confirmed RusHydro’s employer rating at’s level «High level of employer’s attractiveness».

The best domestic practice of career guidance, determined by the National Council of the President of the Russian Federation for Professional Qualifications

The working group of the National Council for Professional Qualifications under the President of the Russian Federation included a program of social and professional adaptation of children from the orphanage «Young Energy» of the Corporate University of Hydro Power Engineering RusHydro among the best domestic practices for career guidance.

International competition of corporate communications «MarCom Awards 2016»

Annual report RusHydro for 2015 received gold awards in two categories of the international competition «MarCom Awards 2016» – «The best annual report of the corporation» and «Best electronic annual report».

International competition Report Watch Best Annual Reports

The position of PJSC RusHydro in the Report Watch Best Annual Reports rating increased by 36 points compared to the previous year.

The Rating of annual reports of the International Rating Agency RAEX («Expert RA»)

The annual report of JSC RusHydro for 2015 was awarded the highest rating of «5 stars».

The rating of corporate transparency of the largest Russian companies – 2016

Positions of PJSC RusHydro in the national rating of corporate transparency of the largest Russian companies improved: 2016 – Premium level, 6th place; 2015 year – I level, 12th place.

All-Russian competition of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs «Leaders of Russian business: dynamics and responsibility – 2016»

Victory in the nomination «For the high quality of sustainability reporting».

The second All-Russian competition «MediaFEC»

In the nomination «Popularization of FEC Professions» the project of information coverage of All-Russian competitions of operational personnel of the HPP recognized as the best project.

«Digital Communications AWARDS – 2017»

The winning projects of RusHydro:

  • «Damming of the Bureya River in the Nizhnie-Bureyskaya HPP line» in the nomination DIGITAL-MEDIA & TOOLS / LONGREAD (MATERIAL OF LARGE VOLUME)
  • «Timlaps» Modernization of hydro turbines of Novosibirskaya HPP (Branch of PJSC RusHydro) by the example of hydro unit No. 5 «in the category ACADEMIC DIGITAL STUDY / BEST STUDENT WORK.

Rating «Environmental initiatives of Russian companies in the media. Fuel and energy complex and Metallurgy”

PJSC RusHydro entered the top 10 of the rating prepared by the Modern Media Research Institute together with the Living Planet TV channel.

International Forum on Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation «ENES-2016»

The Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation presented a letter of thanks for the contribution to the development of the energy industry of the Russian Federation to the employees of the Dagestan branch of RusHydro, the Omarovs working dynasty. The Omarovs are hereditary hydropower workers. The total length of their family in the industry is 120 years.

IV National Program «The Best Social Projects of Russia»

The program of social and professional adaptation of students of orphanages «Young Energy» KorUnG was one of the winners of the IV national program «The Best Social Projects of Russia» (diploma in the nomination «Projects in Support of Socially Vulnerable Populations»).